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Blue Fire 3v3 Soccer

News Detail


May, 2016

Blue Fire Soccer Announces 3v3 Program

Naperville, IL May 20016

Blue Fire 3v3 Soccer will be creating a 3v3 program for girls born in 2008 & 2009. The program will be run by Kevin McBride the founder of The Blue Fire Soccer Club. The Blue Fire Soccer Club was focused on just one age group which is currently U17s or juniors and seniors in high school. Ten years latter,  18 of the 44 girls in the age group have committed to play college soccer at Division I and Division II schools. Two Bluefire Girls have been invited to play with the US National Team. 

In addition to founding and coaching the Blue Fire Girls, Coach Kevin has also coached two US National Finalist at the Disney 3v3 National Championships. 

The Blue Fire 3v3 Soccer program will run primarily in the summer. The summer 3v3 program will not interfere with Park District and Travel Clubs schedules. 

Please direct any questions to Coach Kevin at:

[email protected]
(630) 989-6544