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Blue Fire 3v3 Soccer

Why 3v3

WHY 3V3?

What is it about 3v3 that makes it such a great game?



From the Player's viewpoint....

<>Lots of action, the player is much more involved

<>Much higher scoring than "regular soccer"

<>Simple straight forward game based on 2 and 3 girl combinations.

<>No off-sides


From the Coaches viewpoint

<>Promotes lots of 1v1s and requires skills (moves) to succeed.

<>Lots of touches improves basic foot skills and first touch

<>Develops physical quickness

<> Develops mental quickness

<>No place to hide... a player on the field is actively defending or attacking at all times

<>No Off-sides

<>Players develop tactical awareness and become skilled in 2 and 3 girl combinations

<>Constant marking practice